De 2023 München Auto-show yn Dútslân Offisjeel iepene op 'e middei fan 4 septimber (Beijing-tiid). Op dy dei holden Dongfeng omhinging in parseconferinsje by Auto Show B1 Hall C10 BoothDe lêste nije enerzjyauto's sjen litte, ynklusyf de nije hybride flaggeskippp, freed, U-toernee, en T5. Dizze tentoanstelling rjochte nei't de technologyske prestaasjes fan Dongfeng's nije enerzjy auto's nei de wrâld sjen litte.
Dongfeng RomhingTentele modellen fan 'e eksposysjes behannelje sawol hybride en pure elektryske krêfttechnologyen. Tidens de show kundige Dongfeng net oan te bringen de lansearring fan har earste suvere elektryske sedan teardjen fan jonge konsuminten yn 2024.
De nij net -ilige hybride flaggeskipppv troch omhibjen oanlutsen wichtige oandacht yn 'e parseconferinsje. It is in wrâldwiid ûntwikkele model, in lúkse flagens-nivo MPV foarsjoen fan avansearre plug-in hybride technology - Dongfeng Mach Super Hybrid. It boasts an industry-leading thermal efficiency of 45.18%, delivering the lowest fuel consumption and the highest range in its class. Furthermore, it offers ample space and features luxurious intelligent configurations such as aviation-grade seats and multiple smart screens.
During the press conference, Mr. You Zheng, member of the company's party committee, deputy general manager, and chairman of Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor, stated that in the wave of new energy vehicle development, Dongfeng Corporation is targeting new opportunities and striving to promote the transition of new energy and intelligent driving. Tsjin 2024, it haadmerk fan Dongfeng fan Dongfeng fan Autonome passazjiers 100% elektryske. As an important force in Dongfeng's autonomous passenger vehicle sector, Dongfeng Forthing is a vital advocate for the development of Dongfeng's autonomous brand. Forthing will also customize the development of new energy vehicle models for European users, working with partners to explore broader market space. With an open mindset and a global perspective, Forthing will forge a sustainable upward path, aiming to create a stronger and better Chinese automotive brand.
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Adres: 286, PINGShan Avenue, Liuzhou, Guangxi, Sina
Posttiid: SEP-06-2023